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Humor, Laughter And Play For Health

Humor, Laughter And Play For Health

The idea that you can use humor, laughter, and play to promote your health probably seems too simple to be true. However, it really is true and that simple. A…

3 Ways to Get High Energy in the Morning

3 Ways to Get High Energy in the Morning

We’ve all experienced it - we set our alarm for 7AM with the best of intentions, but when the time comes, we hit the “snooze” button repeatedly and start our…

Is Gourmet Coffee Worth the Investment?

Is Gourmet Coffee Worth the Investment?

There’s coffee and then there’s gourmet coffee. There’s a big difference between regular coffee and gourmet coffee - besides the cost. The price is usually the first thing about the…

Post-Breakup Mistakes You Should Never Do

Post-Breakup Mistakes You Should Never Do

Breakup. It’s done. Over. Kaput. Zero. The relationship you’ve worked so hard to salvage has finally met its end. But considering this may not be your very first breakup, you’ll…

Foods That Are Good For the Heart

Foods That Are Good For the Heart

Humans have been eating variations of similar foods for thousands of years. In recent times, science has discovered how many of these nutrient specific foods have been an integral part…

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