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The truth about tooth gems

Dentists aren’t fans of this hot accessory, however. “It’s never safe or healthy to put foreign objects on your teeth,” SmileDirectClub’s Chief Clinical Officer Dr. Jeffrey Sulitzer, DMD told Simplemost firmly, advising, “This can negatively affect the ability to chew or eat — and you could accidentally swallow it.” There are more serious side effects to consider too, including tooth decay and infection, with certain wearers even reporting tooth discoloration due to dodgy adhesives. 

Sulitzer also warned, “You risk wearing the enamel off of your teeth, and could impact overall health by being a magnet for food pieces or overall germs and bacteria.” He advised tooth whitening as a less dangerous alternative, noting it will have a better aesthetic result, generally speaking, last longer, and it’s much safer. If you’re on a budget, there are plenty of easy ways to whiten your teeth without spending a ton of cash.

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