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The Untold Truth of Father’s Day

The Untold Truth of Father’s Day

Honoring thy father is a concept that dates back to the very roots of human civilization. But the day meant to really make your dad feel special is far, far…

The Untold Truth of Bulletproof Coffee

The Untold Truth of Bulletproof Coffee

There are a lot of fads out there, but this is a particularly strange one. Bulletproof Coffee has become incredibly popular over the last few years. In fact, it has…

The Untold Truth Of Mother’s Day

The Untold Truth Of Mother’s Day

We all know that Mothers’ Day is a special celebration of our maternal heroes. A day to give thanks — and flowers and cards and breakfast in bed — to…

The untold truth of fish spa pedicures

The untold truth of fish spa pedicures

Fish spa pedicures are just one of the seemingly super weird beauty trends that have entered popular culture in recent years. If you haven't heard of them, hold onto your…

The untold truth of coffee

The untold truth of coffee

Americans drink about 280.5 million cups of coffee a day and spend about twenty dollars a week on coffee drinks. I start every day with a nice cup of cold…

The untold truth about chocolate

The untold truth about chocolate

Will all the chocoholics please stand up? That's a lot of you — Americans reportedly consume an average of 24 pounds of chocolate per person each year, supporting an $18…

The untold truth of Valentine’s Day

The untold truth of Valentine’s Day

Roses, chocolates, and beautiful heart-shaped doilies are usually the images that come to mind when we think of Valentine's Day. Red hearts and heartfelt cards decorate every store, and all…

The untold truth of the Fitbit

The untold truth of the Fitbit

Fitbits have taken the fitness world by storm, and some people are just downright addicted to them. If you have one, you might not be able to leave the house…

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