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The right and wrong way to apply dry shampoo

The right and wrong way to apply dry shampoo

When you spray your dry shampoo, it's important that you're spraying at least four to six inches away from the targeted spot. This way the product won't leave chalky marks,…

Can coconut oil clog your pores?

Can coconut oil clog your pores?

Dr. Shilpi Khetarpal, a dermatologist at Cleveland Clinic, told SELF that a 'comedo' or 'comedone' is essentially the earliest form of acne. "It's basically a clogged pore," she said. In other words, if…

Why you need the trendy 'invisible layers' haircut

Why you need the trendy 'invisible layers' haircut

If you're envisioning stringy, thin layers that flick out at the ends, think again. The beauty of invisible layers is that they are, unsurprisingly, invisible. As Joel Warren, founder and creator of The…

Why you should be using leave-in conditioner

Why you should be using leave-in conditioner

Hair care brand Redken claims leave-in conditioner is "the one product that can transform your hair routine." Most leave-in conditioners come in the form of cream, spray, or oil and work alongside…

Montblanc Explorer Review

Montblanc Explorer Review

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Until the launch of Legend in 2011, the Montblanc fragrance game was dying. Pre-Legend, there were indeed Abercrombie Fierce clones on the market but they…

This is how often you should get a haircut

This is how often you should get a haircut

According to celebrity hairstylist Angela C. Styles, who spoke to Seventeen, how often you need to visit the hairdresser depends on the texture of your hair and the style of…

TFWA 2019: Alejando Sanz Mi Acorde

TFWA 2019: Alejando Sanz Mi Acorde

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Spanish Grammy Award-winning musician Alejando Sanz  presents his two new fragrances Mi Acorde in male and female versions, created in collaboration with Tailored Perfumes. In 2007, he…

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