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Things about makeup guys can’t stand

Picking the perfect photo to put on your online dating profile or app can be a daunting task, and, if you want to attract a man with your photo, you probably assume that having makeup on in your picture is the right way to go. And for the most part, that’s true. However, a study from Zoosk, an online dating site, found that men are pretty particular when it comes to women’s’ makeup when they’re dating.

According to the study, “women who wear some sort of lip color are 119 percent more likely to get first messages than those who don’t,” Bustle reported. “Furthermore, men are 38 percent more likely to want to meet a woman if she’s wearing lipstick in her online dating photo.”

However, it seems as though guys can’t stand certain makeup in person. Specifically, “57 percent of men don’t think red lipstick on a date is attractive,” Bustle reported. For whatever reason, red lipstick is too much for men to come face to face with in real life. Still, the lip color often looks good, so, if you love red lipstick, keep rockin’ it.

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