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How to Turn Your Boyfriend On While Texting: 21 Steamy Sexting Tips

Is your boyfriend getting flirty? Why not send him something spicy that makes him beg for more? But first, learn how to turn your boyfriend on while texting.

When my boyfriend first started sexting with me, I was terrified, and I’m a writer! Of course, I’ve had sex before this, but sexting makes you use your imagination and think about what you want to do to them. That’s why you need to know how to turn your boyfriend on while texting.

You don’t have to write them a sexting essay. In fact, there are a couple ways to sext your boyfriend with or without words. So, if you’re a beginner at sexting, here are some ways to develop your skills without looking like a first-timer. Trust me, I ended up using “haha” at the end of my sexts, rookie mistake. [Read: How to start sexting your lover]

How to turn your boyfriend on while texting

Sexting is a great way to get your imagination going and playfully tease your boyfriend. Here are some ways to become a sexting pro.

#1 It’s not an everyday event. It loses its charm if you’re sexting every day. Not that you don’t turn him on, you do, but you should using sexting as a way to tease him and make him run home to you. I wouldn’t recommend using it every day, use it as a way to shock or surprise him. Eventually, if you do this daily, none of you will find the excitement in it anymore. [Read: How to start sexting your lover when you’ve never done it before]

#2 Don’t always be naughty. You’re probably thinking sexting is all about being naughty, which is a decent assumption, but it doesn’t always have to be naughty. You don’t have you send him a nude or tell him all the dirty details. Though he’ll expect that, he’ll be even more surprised when you play nice instead. [Read: A naughty guide to sext your boyfriend and leave him yearning]

#3 Show a little boob. For you, they’re just boobs. For him, they’re heavenly pillows. If your goal is to sext, sending a boob pic is a 100% guaranteed way to achieve your goal. Men are visual, so if you send him a full body or boob shot, he’ll be drooling. Just make sure you’re sending it to someone you trust, or better yet, keep your face out of the shot.

#4 Get burlesque. Though boob and body shots are naughty, you can add some mystery by taking a photo with your clothes on. Gasp! I know! Take a shot of your hand around your neck, with your teeth biting your finger, or a shot of your cleavage. You don’t have to be naked to be sexy. I mean, when you first met, you were most likely clothed… I think. [Read: Use boudoir photography to arouse your man]

#5 Keep the sext short. If you’re wondering how to turn your boyfriend on while texting, start by keeping your sexts short. No one wants to read an essay when they’re horny. This isn’t a textbook so keep your sext relatively short. That way they can quickly read it and have time to imagine it. If your sext is too long, they’ll be spending more time reading it than touching themselves.

#6 Use details and descriptions. Your inner J.K. Rowling can come out now. Use a lot of detail and description. You want him to be able to visualize what he’s doing to you or what you’re doing to him. Think of it like you’re explaining sex to someone who’s a virgin. For example, I want your hands to go up my skirt, feeling your way up my thigh. [Read: 30 hot, sexting examples to start a naughty marathon]

#7 Let him know what turns you on. Though you’re getting him turned on, this is a great opportunity to show him what turns you on. When you’re sexting describe what you want him to do to you. This is the best and easiest way to get them to do it. Like they’re going to forget that.

#8 Make sure you’re having fun. If you’re just sexting to pass the time and you’re not getting anything out of it, then why bother? However, if it’s turning you on and you’re getting off on it, then go for it. But you shouldn’t be sexting your boyfriend if it’s not turning you on. You should want to want to do it.

#9 The wrong time is the right time. Ah, yes. Timing is everything when it comes to knowing how to turn your boyfriend on while texting him. So, if he’s in a business meeting or at the doctor’s office, why not sext him? He’ll feel so dirty, however, he’ll be all over it. Is it wrong to have a boner at your doctors? Yes. It is. Or when he’s at the fax machine? Absolutely.

#10 Use porno clips. If you don’t feel like sexting him words, why not use a clip from a porno to show what you want to do to him? Maybe it’s a position you two haven’t tried before. Not only is it easier to send a clip, it’ll get his mind going 100 miles a minute. Trust me, you won’t see anyone coming home faster than him. [Read: Why porn might save your relationship]

#11 No emojis. We aren’t in high school right now. Emojis have literally no place in a sext. I don’t want to see you put a happy face or a thinking face at the end of any sentence. Keep them out of the sext. You will ruin your sext with an emoji.

#12 No lol-ing or haha-ing.I know that people are using ‘lol’ in exchange for ‘ok’. But why would you be sexting ‘ok’ to your boyfriend? There’s nothing funny about him entering your vagina, so, no need for haha. Unless, of course, there’s some inside joke you two have. At the end of the day, you want to keep the sext sexy. [Read: 14 sexting ideas to effortlessly sext like a pro]

#13 Request. Rather than him telling you what he wants, switch it up. You’re going to sext him a request. It’s not what you’d like to do, it’s what will actually happen. Try saying something like, “I want you to come,” “You’re going to fuck me hard tonight,” or “I want you to ____ my ____.” You’re in charge and he’s going to love it.

#14 Give him a choice. You can text him with a question that he’ll have to choose from. This gets his imagination going. He’ll think about doing these things with you. So, you can say something like, “Do you want me to spank you or run my nails down your back?” He won’t be able to choose, just watch. [Read: 20 sexy questions to ask a guy and completely seduce him]

#15 Compliment him. Everyone loves compliments especially when it’s related to sexual performance. So, give him some compliments of things that he does to you that you enjoy. Say, “Oh, I love it when you fuck me from behind,” or “You make me so wet when I look at you,” or “You feel so good inside of me.” They make him feel like he’s the man and that he’s pleasing you.

#16 Memory lane. You can use memories in your sext. “Remember that weekend in Paris when we were in the hot tub.” Yeah, he remembers alright. Trust me on that one. That’s a great way to get his mind going. So, you can always start a sext with using a sexual memory.

#17 Tell him your fantasy. Now, whether or not you would do this in real life is a different story. But for your sext, you can tell him your deepest and most sexual fantasies. You can say, “I’m picturing me with another woman while you watch,” or “I want your dick deep in my ass.” Whatever it is that is your ultimate fantasy, say it.

#18 What to say when you don’t know what to say. If he says sexts a reply back to you and you don’t know what to say, there are some basic lines you can use to keep the conversation going. I mean, if you don’t reply, that’s not good. So, when in doubt, say, “That really turns me on,” “That makes me so wet,” “What else would you to do me?,” “I want you so badly right now.” Use any of these lines and you’ll be in the clear.

#19 Keep your lingo casual. If you want to know how to turn your boyfriend on while texting, use the same words that you would normally use for body parts. If you never say penis, don’t text him using the words penis. If you normally call his penis, “dick” or “cock” use those terms instead. [Read: How to dirty text a guy – 30 tips and examples to tease him all day]

#20 Dirty texts don’t have to be vulgar. Some people think to dirty text, you have to be vulgar with your words. You don’t actually. You don’t have to send a sext that’s so explicit even pornos won’t use it. You can use whatever words you want and still be sexual. So, go with your comfort level. [Read: 20 traits to be a classy lady]

#21 Sneak peek. Sexting doesn’t have to be a full out description of what you want to do to them. I mean, typically, it is, but you can do whatever you want with sexting. There’re no limits. So, if you’re not comfortable going full out with your sext, you can give him a sneak peek.

This is more playful and will have him guessing. You can say, “I have a surprise for you tonight,” “I want you to take off your clothes when you get inside the house,” “I’m going to make you come so hard tonight.”

[Read: Sexy, naughty texting games to ease into sexting]

So relax and have fun with sexting. Don’t take it too seriously because either way, when you learn how to turn your boyfriend on while texting, he’ll love it.

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