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Beginner’s Guide to Yeast (Email Series)

Let’s talk. Last year, one of my goals for Sally’s Baking Addiction was to condense, concise, and update the older content on my blog. This includes adding extra success tips, new photos, video tutorials, and streamlined recipe directions to all of my existing recipes. It’s been quite the project and we’re still working on it! Included in this goal is to present more helpful and concise information to you.

I’m thrilled to share my newest, most in-depth email series ever offered on Sally’s Baking Addiction. I spent a lot of time perfecting this free email series so it’s totally worth your while. And so you can FINALLY understand how to bake the best yeast breads.

(PS: I have two other free email series including Baking Made Easy and How to Bake a Perfect Cake!)

Fast Track to Bread Success

I ask readers this all the time: which recipes intimidate you the most? And 90% of the answers include “yeast breads.” I get it. I used to be terrified of baking homemade breads, too. They seemed SO complicated and out of reach, especially when recipes aren’t carefully explained. I was really frustrated.

So I taught myself. Over the course of 10 years, I went from shakily rolling out dough to confidently whipping up babka, croissants, and bagels. All without hesitation.

Pictured above: Artisan Bread.

Let me send you on the fast track to homemade bread success.

Beginner’s Guide to Yeast

Today I’m presenting you with my Beginner’s Guide to Yeast Email Course.

This 5 day email series includes:

  1. in-depth baking with yeast tutorials
  2. yeast FAQs answered in easy-to-comprehend language
  3. my highest-rated bread recipes for beginners
  4. careful explanations so your fears of yeast finally subside

Some of this information is already on my website, but it’s never been delivered in an in-depth ongoing series with certain recipes grouped together and where you visualize them all. I’m really proud of the content I’ve put together in this series!

Sign Up Here

What’s The Process?

After signing up, you’ll receive 1 email per day for 5 days. After that, I’ll send you about 1 email per week with popular recipes as I update them with recipe notes and easier instructions. If you’re already on my email list, you won’t receive my Beginner’s Guide to Yeast series unless you sign up using the form above. (This series is in addition to what I regularly send out to you.)

This is all completely free. All that’s happening is me showing up in your inbox. You don’t need to do anything– no homework– just read, learn, and get excited to apply the information in your own kitchen. You can unsubscribe at any time.

cinnamon rolls shaped dough

Thank you so much for reading, following along, and trusting my recipes!

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