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8 best and 8 worst beauty hacks

Good news! Rubbing lemons on your skin may be a bad idea, but consuming lemons is just fine — it’s even preferred. In fact, what you eat is probably the best beauty “hack” you could ever try. “Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants which give glow to the skin,” Manish Shah, a board-certified plastic surgeon, told American Spa.

Kathleen Suozzi, assistant professor of dermatology and director of aesthetic dermatology at Yale School of Medicine, dermatologist Sandra Lee, and registered dietitian Lisa Moskovitz confirmed to Insider that a healthy diet of water, fruits, vegetables, protein, and healthy fats will encourage healthy skin. In particular, foods like blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, avocados, and salmon can do a world of good for your skin.

Instead of slathering zinc-based diaper cream on your face, why not just eat zinc-rich spinach? “Zinc has a lot of wound healing properties,” Moskovitz explained. “There’s also some evidence showing that it can help with breakouts.” Additionally, bone broth is “a good source of natural collagen,” according to the dietitian. 

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